30 Apr

Lipo is among the most prevalent cosmetic surgery treatments performed in Dubai. It involves the transfer of fat through one or even more parts of the body to the other to improve the overall body shape or remove ugly fat and bulges. It is also known as liposculpture or just lipo.

Liposuction in Dubai provides excellent surgery with pre-care and post-care treatment guidelines. Liposuction is an entity sculpting methodology and cannot be used to lose weight, control obesity, or reduce cellulite. It is only used to improve your body's aesthetics by removing fat wallets from various body parts.

Do you think you are a good candidate for liposuction?

If you meet the following criteria, you are a good candidate for liposuction:

•     They are in excellent health.

•     Are not expecting a child.•     Have pliable skin.

•     Are not diabetic or have blood circulation issues.

•     Maintain a healthy weight as well as a healthy lifestyle.

•     Do not have a compromised immune system.

How is Liposuction Done?

The procedure for liposuction surgery is as follows:

Step 1: You will be sedated and given general anesthesia.

Step 2: A slight indentation in the skin is made, and a needle is placed.

Step 3: To break away the fat, the cannula is pushed back and forth.

Step 4: The fragmented fat is then suctioned using a microcannula and a reduced suction machine. This drainage creates little empty pockets that can be collapsed with a compression dressing.

Step 5: To decrease bruising and swelling, your surgeon may use elastic tape.

The doctor will ask you a series of questions during your appointment and run specific tests to determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. You will be questioned about any current medical issues you or your close relatives may have.

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